速報APP / 生活品味 / Motivational quotes - enjoy your life!

Motivational quotes - enjoy your life!





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


Motivational quotes - enjoy your life!(圖1)-速報App

Try the best motivational quotes app. "Motivational quotes - enjoy your life!" is pack of most influential quotes from greatest people in human history. Enjoy daily motivation from greatest minds and then enjoy your life!

Motivational quotes - enjoy your life!(圖2)-速報App

Sometimes everyone need to be self motivated. If you have worse day, need get up after a defeat, or simply need a daily motivation nad positive energy boost here we are! Because motivation is important, you should always carry it with you on your phone. Motivating quotes like "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall" or "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." will be always with you to give you some positive energy! Just read this motivational thoughts to achieve positive state of mind! Start enjoying your life with app "Motivational quotes - enjoy your life!".

Motivational quotes - enjoy your life!(圖3)-速報App

-Just download, you don't need to be online to read quotes.

Motivational quotes - enjoy your life!(圖4)-速報App

-Over 500 unique motivational quotes.

Motivational quotes - enjoy your life!(圖5)-速報App

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-Very much positive energy